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Welcome to “Singularity Chanting,” a world of chanting held in the metaverse. Here, you can experience clearing your mind’s filters without being bound by the self or delusions. Let’s begin a journey to come closer to being of one mind, sharing the same body and mind, while feeling the spirit of Nichiren, who led a harsh life on the freezing Sado Island. By deepening your connection with yourself and others, you can take a step closer to a more peaceful world.
Encouraging words from the writings of the great saint Nichiren:

A passage from Senjisho, written in the 5th year of Kenchou, that gives us courage and hope
Original Text
In this impure world of the Latter Day of the Law, beings afflicted with the three poisons and five aggregates are all sunk in suffering and wander in the darkness of birth and death. However, those who chant the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra will certainly attain Buddhahood, be liberated from this suffering, and reach the state of Nirvana. Even if they face persecution and hardship, as long as they continue to chant the daimoku, they will surely be victorious and manifest the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha.
Modern Translation
In this defiled world of the Latter Day of the Law, where people are filled with delusions and suffering, everyone suffers and repeats the cycle of birth and death, wandering in darkness. However, those who chant the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra will certainly attain the enlightenment of the Buddha, be liberated from this suffering, and reach the state of Nirvana. Even if they face persecution and hardship, as long as they continue to chant the daimoku, they will surely be victorious and manifest the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha.
This passage is included in the Senjisho, written by the great saint Nichiren in the 5th year of Kenchou (1253). At that time, Nichiren was being persecuted for advocating that the Lotus Sutra, not the Nembutsu, was the only true teaching capable of saving people in the Latter Day of the Law.
In these circumstances, Nichiren wrote these words to encourage and give hope to those facing hardship.
There are 3 key points:
- Salvation is possible even in the Latter Day: It expresses a strong conviction that those who chant the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra will certainly be saved, even in the difficult time of the Latter Day.
- The importance of continuing to chant the daimoku: It teaches that continuing to chant the daimoku, no matter what hardships one faces, is the only path to victory.
- Manifesting the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha: It expresses the grand hope that those who chant the daimoku will ultimately manifest the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha and save many people.
This passage gives courage and hope to those of us living in the present day as well.
When you face difficulties in your daily life, or feel like you’re losing hope, remember these words.
By continuing to chant the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra, you will surely overcome hardships and manifest the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha.
- The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Senjisho