
Welcome to “Singularity Chanting,” a world of chanting practice held in the metaverse. Here, you can experience clearing your mind’s filters, free from the ego and delusions. Let’s begin a journey of becoming one heart, one mind, while feeling the spirit of Nichiren, who led a harsh life on the extremely cold Sado Island. By deepening our connection with ourselves and others, we can take a step closer to a more peaceful world.
Encouraging words from the writings of Saint Nichiren:

Encouraging words from the writings of Saint Nichiren: From the Gosho “Jobutsugo-Shinjitsu”
Original Text
“Nanjira mina wa bukkyō no naka no dai bosatsu de aru, mirai ni jobutsu suru mikara de aru. Kono yue ni, nenbutsu sanmai o shūji shi, Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō to tonoematsuru beki mono nari.”
You are all great bodhisattvas in Buddhism, and you are destined to attain Buddhahood in the future. Therefore, you should practice the Lotus Samadhi and chant “Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.”
This passage is Saint Nichiren’s words to his disciples…
Encouraging words from the writings of Saint Nichiren: From the Gosho “Jobutsugo-Shinjitsu”
Original Text
“Nanjira mina wa bukkyō no naka no dai bosatsu de aru, mirai ni jobutsu suru mikara de aru. Kono yue ni, nenbutsu sanmai o shūji shi, Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō to tonoematsuru beki mono nari.”
You are all great bodhisattvas in Buddhism, and you are destined to attain Buddhahood in the future. Therefore, you should practice the Lotus Samadhi and chant “Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.”
This passage contains words spoken by Saint Nichiren to his disciples. Each one of us embodies the truth of the Wonderful Law, and we are promised to attain Buddhahood in the future. However, effort is necessary for that.
Therefore, Saint Nichiren encourages us to practice the Lotus Samadhi by chanting “Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo,” which is the title of the Lotus Sutra. The Lotus Samadhi is the practice of focusing the mind by chanting the name of Amida Buddha.
Through these practices, we can polish our Buddha nature and advance on the path to attaining Buddhahood.
- Gosho “Jobutsugo-Shinjitsu”
Key Encouragements
- We are all great bodhisattvas in Buddhism, destined to attain Buddhahood.
- To attain Buddhahood, it is essential to practice the Lotus Samadhi and chant “Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.”
- Let us polish our Buddha nature through daily practice and advance on the path to attaining Buddhahood.
Courage from these Words
The writings of Saint Nichiren give us profound courage and hope. No matter what difficulties we face, we can keep the truth of the Wonderful Law illuminated in our hearts and strive toward attaining Buddhahood.
Let us take these words to heart and persevere in our daily lives.
An encouraging passage from the writings of Saint Nichiren: From the Gosho “Jobutsugo-Shinjitsu”
Original Text
“Kono yō no hito koso wa, shin no butsudeshi to iubeki nari. Tatoreba, sanzen sekai no shobukurō mo, mina kono yō no hito nari. Moshi, hito o shite, sangai rokudō no naka ni, ku o ukezaru mono ari to iuwaba, dai mōgo mononoshi nari. Tadashi, ku o ukezaru ni arazu. Ku o uketsutsu mo, butsupō o shugyō suru yue ni, ku o raku to ganzuru nari. Tatoreba, yamai no hito, kusuri o nomu toki wa, kurushikereredomo, yamai o naosentosuru yue ni, ku o raku to ganzuru nari. Kaku no gotoku, shosho no ku o, butsupō o shugyō sengan yue ni, raku to ganzuru nari.”
An encouraging passage from the writings of Saint Nichiren: From the Gosho “Jobutsugo-Shinjitsu”
Original Text
“Kono yō no hito koso wa, shin no butsudeshi to iubeki nari. Tatoreba, sanzen sekai no shobukurō mo, mina kono yō no hito nari. Moshi, hito o shite, sangai rokudō no naka ni, ku o ukezaru mono ari to iuwaba, dai mōgo mononoshi nari. Tadashi, ku o ukezaru ni arazu. Ku o uketsutsu mo, butsupō o shugyō suru yue ni, ku o raku to ganzuru nari. Tatoreba, yamai no hito, kusuri o nomu toki wa, kurushikereredomo, yamai o naosentosuru yue ni, ku o raku to ganzuru nari. Kaku no gotoku, shosho no ku o, butsupō o shugyō sengan yue ni, raku to ganzuru nari.”
This passage explains, using the parable of Bodhisattva Fukyo, what it means to be a true disciple of the Buddha.
A true disciple is one who, despite facing various sufferings in the six paths of existence, can overcome that suffering through Buddhist practice and perceive it as joy.
Perceiving suffering as joy does not mean viewing it lightly. Rather, it means having the strong will to engage in Buddhist practice, understanding that suffering holds an opportunity for true growth.
Saint Nichiren acknowledges that suffering is an inherent part of human life. However, he teaches that continuing Buddhist practice despite suffering is the path to true happiness.
This message is universally relatable in modern society as well. We all face various challenges such as work, relationships, and health issues. However, it is by studying and practicing Buddhism during such difficulties that we can develop true strength and wisdom.
- Gosho “Jobutsugo-Shinjitsu”