Welcome to “Singularity Chanting.” This is a world of chanting practice in the Metaverse. Here, you can experience clearing your mind without being trapped by ego or delusions. Let’s start a journey to approach the spirit of Nichiren, who lived a harsh life on the frigid Sado Island, and to unify our hearts. By deeply feeling the connection between yourself and others, you can take a step towards a more peaceful world.
Encouraging Words from Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings:

Encouraging Excerpt and Commentary from Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings
Original Text
“In the Latter Day of the Law, people are thoroughly corrupted, and their lives are rife with the three poisons and the five obstacles. Their delusions are intense, and their seeking spirit is weak. However, the five characters of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo are the true and ultimate Law. Those who believe in this Law will gain the benefits of the three existences in their present lifetime and will undoubtedly attain Buddhahood in the future. Even if one were to possess all the treasures of the three thousand worlds, they would not compare to the five characters of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. How much more so will this Law extinguish the sufferings of the six paths and enable one to attain the supreme bliss of Nirvana. This can only be accomplished by the five characters of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.”
- Rissho Ankoku Ron
This passage powerfully shows that in the corrupted age of the Latter Day of the Law, for people suffering from delusions, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the true Buddhism and the path to salvation. Even if one were to acquire all the treasures of the three thousand worlds, they would not compare to the five characters of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. It asserts that believing in Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the only way to escape the sufferings of the six paths and attain the supreme enlightenment of Nirvana.
- Latter Day of the Law: The age after the passing of Shakyamuni Buddha, during which enlightenment becomes extremely difficult to attain.
- Three Poisons: The three delusions of greed, anger, and foolishness.
- Five Obstacles: The five hindrances of greed, anger, foolishness, arrogance, and doubt.
- Delusions: Mental activities that cause suffering and confusion.
- Seeking Spirit: The mind that seeks enlightenment and resolves to become a Buddha.
- Nam-myoho-renge-kyo: The fundamental object of faith in Nichiren Buddhism.
- Three Existences: The past, present, and future.
- Buddhahood: The state of enlightenment of a Buddha.
- Nirvana: The state of enlightenment free from delusions and suffering.
This passage strongly shows that even when facing difficulties, believing in Nam-myoho-renge-kyo will surely open the path to salvation. For those living in the harsh age of the Latter Day of the Law, these words are a great encouragement.
Examples of Application
- When facing difficulties, chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to gain courage and hope.
- Share the benefits of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with those around you to deepen mutual faith.
- Study the writings of Nichiren Daishonin to cultivate deep wisdom and compassion.