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Welcome to “Singularity Chanting.” This is a world of chanting performed in the Metaverse. Here, you can experience clearing your mind of ego and delusions. Feel the spirit of Nichiren, who lived a harsh life on the frigid Sado Island, and begin a journey towards one heart, many in body, same mind. By deeply feeling the connection between yourself and others, you can take a step towards a more peaceful world.

Encouraging Words from Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings:


An Encouraging Excerpt from Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings

From “The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind”

“For example, there is treasure in a treasure tower. Those who worship from the outside can see the exterior and interior of the tower but cannot see the treasure within. In the same way, the secret teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha throughout his lifetime are contained in the Lotus Sutra. Without practicing the Lotus Sutra, one cannot see the Buddha’s secret teachings. Those who chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo open the treasure tower and worship the treasure within.”

Modern Translation

It is like a treasure hidden inside a treasure tower. Those who worship from the outside can see the exterior and interior of the tower but cannot see the treasure within. Similarly, the secret teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha throughout his lifetime are contained in the Lotus Sutra. Without practicing the Lotus Sutra, one cannot see the Buddha’s secret teachings. Those who chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo open the treasure tower and worship the treasure within.


This passage teaches the preciousness of the Lotus Sutra using the analogy of a treasure tower and its hidden treasure. Even if the tower is magnificent, one cannot know its true value without worshipping the treasure inside. Similarly, without practicing the Lotus Sutra, one cannot understand the Buddha’s secret teachings.

Nichiren Daishonin teaches that no matter what hardships we face, continuing to chant the Daimoku is the only way to be led to true happiness. Chanting the Daimoku is like opening the treasure tower and worshipping the treasure within, from which we can gain infinite wisdom and compassion.

Encouragement from This Passage

  • No matter how difficult the situation, if we continue to chant the Daimoku without losing hope, the Buddha’s wisdom and compassion will surely manifest, and we will be victorious.
  • The Lotus Sutra is like a treasure that leads us to true happiness and enlightenment.
  • Chanting the Daimoku is like opening the treasure tower and worshipping the treasure within, from which infinite possibilities unfold.

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