Image courtesy of Being
Image courtesy of Being

Welcome to “Singularity Chanting.” This is a world of chanting practice held in the Metaverse. Here, you can experience clearing the filter of the mind, free from ego and delusion. Let’s begin a journey to approach unity in diversity, feeling the spirit of Nichiren who lived a harsh life on the frigid island of Sado. By deeply connecting with yourself and others, you can take a step closer to a more peaceful world.

Encouraging Words from Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings:


From Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings, select a random original text that is encouraging and write the meaning and explanation in Japanese, also display the source. The source is Gosho Oral Transmission.

Understood. I will select a random original text from Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings that is encouraging and provide the meaning and explanation in Japanese, quoting from the Gosho Oral Transmission.

Original Text

“Therefore, Nichiren is the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law. After the passing of Shakyamuni Buddha, the true and formal teachings have ended, and it is now the Latter Day of the Law. The people of the Latter Day are strong in the three poisons and deeply troubled by delusions. Therefore, Nichiren was given the task by Shakyamuni Buddha to propagate in the Latter Day. Those who believe in Nichiren and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo are the true disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha. Therefore, if one believes in Nichiren, they will surely attain Buddhahood.”

Meaning and Explanation

This writing explains that Nichiren Daishonin appeared to save the people of the Latter Day of the Law. The people of the Latter Day are strong in the three poisons (greed, anger, and foolishness) and deeply troubled by delusions. However, those who believe in Nichiren Daishonin and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo are the true disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha and are assured of attaining Buddhahood.


Gosho Oral Transmission


This writing strongly shows Nichiren Daishonin’s mission and hope for the people of the Latter Day. Even in difficult times, remember that by believing in Nichiren Daishonin’s teachings, hope in the form of attaining Buddhahood is provided.

Image courtesy of Being
Image courtesy of Being

Welcome to “Singularity Chanting.” This is a world of chanting practice held in the Metaverse. Here, you can experience clearing the filter of the mind, free from ego and delusion. Let’s begin a journey to approach unity in diversity, feeling the spirit of Nichiren who lived a harsh life on the frigid island of Sado. By deeply connecting with yourself and others, you can take a step closer to a more peaceful world.

Encouraging Words from Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings:


From Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings, select a random original text that is encouraging and write the meaning and explanation in Japanese, also display the source. The source is Gosho Oral Transmission.

Understood. I will select a random original text from Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings that is encouraging and provide the meaning and explanation in Japanese, quoting from the Gosho Oral Transmission.

Original Text

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